Thursday, December 30, 2010

Teen Mom Amber Portwood Makes 280K a year!

Whoever said getting knocked up at the age of 16, and not able to pass your GED wouldnt get you to places was so wrong! According to during court a judge made Amber declare her profession and her salary and she said as profession "Television Personality" and her income 280k! Thats more then most acutal hardworking Americans make, c'mon! All this girl is full of is her drama and not being able to be a good mom and she's getting paid for that pft! Pleease!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Teen Mom

So whats the name of that fat chick on Teen Mom? Oh yea, Amber...
Anyways, so this girl is plain DUMB! She gets me irritated and annoyed, why? Simple she is ugly and full of it. Ok, maybe that was mean, but looking at the way she acts its very frustrating, yea you may be thinking she is just like anyone else "poor girl" her life is being put on TV, well you know what Suck it! You are getting paid to be put on the show so now shut up and get used to the critizing. What i dont understand is people are always complaining its not fair because people judge them, its like so you want the fame and big amounts of money but not the critisizing? Bull... Anyways, not only couldnt she pass her GED, she is very abusive person, calls her ex bf a fatass worthlesss (just because you lost a few pounds doesnt give you the right to be calling someone that, you are still a fatty yourself), but she dates someone who says "I just got out of jail" like seriously? Talk about low self esteem! Seriously, this girl is full of drama and you can tell she cant take care of her baby, just look at every episode and her baby is always crying and she is ignoring her baby, i am 100% sure if cameras werent there i can guarantee you she would beat her baby, that i can guarantee you, poor baby! Anyways here are some pictures of what you will see everytime you see Teen Mom with Amber:

Friday, October 15, 2010

TP Attack!

So here is a funny story I read on Apparantly in Massachusetts there was a janitor working at town hall and he was whistling while restocking the toilet paper, apparantly there a man that didnt like his whistling so he attacked him with a toilet paper and tried to run, but the janitor chased him down and now the 55 year old toilet paper attacker will be going to court to face an assault and battery.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Falls Hottest Denim

First of all, I AM BACK! 2nd, I found this article online about some of the Fall's Hottest Denim:
COLORED JEGGINGS: In my personal opinion, I LOVE jeggings, they are so comfortable!!! I love them, what I love the most about is that the color jeggins you can easily wear them with a regular tee and some heels and you still look great! They are so comforatable and can make an outfit pop! What I love about colors too is that you can easily wear a pair of colored jeggings with something simple and it still looks incredible!

BELL BOTTOMS: I think my issue with these is that i can NEVER find a pair of shoes that will go with this type of jeans. I personally dont like heels, I HATE it with a passion! I mean heels can be pretty and make you look nice but I can't seem to find a great pair of heels that wont make my feet hurt, so I am very scared of  trying this type of jeans. But on they do look good, I just dont think for me though, but we will see.

CARGO LEGGINS: Ok, so ever since i saw them i really did fall in love with them! They look so cuteee! But i still havent found a great pair... YET. They look very cute, and like the colored jeggins they look comfortable, and the kind of pants that you can easily pair them with a top and it willl look adorable!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

In case you didnt know Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, was placed as the 35th richest richest person in Forbes 400 list. That was just a quick feed, but anyways according to an article by Liz Goodwin on Yahoo, this Friday he will also be on Oprah to donate $100 million gift troubled schools in Newark, NJ, as this will be happening there will also be a premier of a movie where he's portrayed as a "power-hungry and socially awkward genius." The movie "The Social Network" is alraedy being compared to "The Godfater," in my opinion this movie looks amazing! I am always up for people who are talented and ambitious, i strongly believe that anyone can get anywhere if they really put their mind into it! Who will be seeing this? Interesting, right?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Admits to testing positive on Cocaine

So like i mentioned before Lindsay Lohan tested positive on Cocaine and she admitted it on her twitter, here is what she said:
"Regrettably, I did in fact fail my most recent drug test and if I am asked, I am prepared to appear before judge Fox next week as a result.
Substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn't go away over night. I am working hard to overcome it and am taking positive steps forward every day. I am testing every single day and doing what I must do to prevent any mishaps in the future.
This was certainly a setback for me but I am taking responsibility for my actions and I'm prepared to face the consequences.
I am so thankful for the support of my fans, loved ones and immediate family, who understand that i am trying hard, but also that I am a work in progress, just as anyone else. I am keeping my faith, and I am hopeful….Thank you all!!!"
All i have to say to this is i know i've judged the girl before but i honestly hope she goes to rehab and hopefully THIS time she really tries and gets help. I mean she took the first step which is coming forward, but hopefully they dont just let her slide with it because i honestly believe jail or rehab for the actual time she should be there for is the right step. STOP the celebrity treatment, it's apparently not helping them. Good luck to her and hope she gets help she really REALLY needs it. GOOD LUCK!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Shape it up"

So here is my question, besides the people getting paid to market Shape Ups, who wears them? I mean i understand the concept of them, but really who wears them. I hate it when people wear those old Spice Girls shoes, if you are short dont look ridiculous in those big bulky shoes! Reebok actually has their own "Easy Tone" and they look nicer,  you may have to pay a little extra but hey in my opinion it's better!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Free Mason

So as i was walking around i noticed two guys that kept hugging each other, as part of my job i had to make sure they weren't hiding anything, well they told me it's part of the Free Mason and they went on talking about it, and asked me to research it, but instead i decided to ask everyone what exactly is the Free Mason?

Bitch Fight

Ok so i am dedicating Bitch fight to see who looks better anyways, here are the people for this week:
OK so here my votes go definitely to Leighton. I am probably fed up with Victoria Beckham always winning, we get it the girl knows how to dress. But not only because of that but also because there's something about the red hair, i am right now digging it, its hot! This dress sure flatters her better! 
 OK so here is my issue, Lo is so beautiful! But for some reason she tempts to look older at red carpet events! I'm sorry but her hair just makes her look so much older! So her i will have to go with Louise, dress isnt all fitted but it actually looks great! She looks young and fab! 
I honestly love both of this girls, Elizabeth from Austin Powers and Holly from Girls next door (big fan), but this one must have been a close one but i am honestly digging the nude shoes. So i will have to got with Elizabeth, the shoes totally did it for me here, but it was close one! And btw i love the dress!
So i love Kimy K, she is always on track when it comes to fashion! Here i will have to go with Kim. I just dont like the whole matching belt, clutch, and shoes. I dont like that you have to add a twist so Kim's belt did it for me here. Plus whats up with Adrienne's tan... Ugh

And last Kristin vs. Kim, again i will have to with Kim, the belt makes the dress. Kristin looks so plain and the puff on the edges that tries to make you feel that she has hips it's a no no.. So here i got with him, except her faces she makes for pictures, change it up girl you are hot so stop it with that face.,,20159269_20847345,00.html#20847333

Kate Gosselin

So, i am pretty sure everyone knows who Kate Gosselin is right? If not, let me cut it short for you this lady and her husband have twins then they want another last kid but they end up with sixtuplets they get a reality show for that on TLC, they end up splitting up and it gets rough. That is my friends who Kate Gosslin is. Anyways, i dont know about you guys but this girl is all over traveling with securities, big mansion, etc. My question is how the heck is she getting all this money?! I know she does her show and she was in Dancing with the stars and a book she published but even then, money runs out girl. All i am saying is hopefully she is being smart and saving some for her kids education (they are the reason she is someone). Be smart girl, because you spending money like there is no tomorrow and honestly i dont think people will want to keep watching your show forever. I love the show but its something that is getting old. On the other not she is looking great!