Friday, September 17, 2010

Bitch Fight

Ok so i am dedicating Bitch fight to see who looks better anyways, here are the people for this week:
OK so here my votes go definitely to Leighton. I am probably fed up with Victoria Beckham always winning, we get it the girl knows how to dress. But not only because of that but also because there's something about the red hair, i am right now digging it, its hot! This dress sure flatters her better! 
 OK so here is my issue, Lo is so beautiful! But for some reason she tempts to look older at red carpet events! I'm sorry but her hair just makes her look so much older! So her i will have to go with Louise, dress isnt all fitted but it actually looks great! She looks young and fab! 
I honestly love both of this girls, Elizabeth from Austin Powers and Holly from Girls next door (big fan), but this one must have been a close one but i am honestly digging the nude shoes. So i will have to got with Elizabeth, the shoes totally did it for me here, but it was close one! And btw i love the dress!
So i love Kimy K, she is always on track when it comes to fashion! Here i will have to go with Kim. I just dont like the whole matching belt, clutch, and shoes. I dont like that you have to add a twist so Kim's belt did it for me here. Plus whats up with Adrienne's tan... Ugh

And last Kristin vs. Kim, again i will have to with Kim, the belt makes the dress. Kristin looks so plain and the puff on the edges that tries to make you feel that she has hips it's a no no.. So here i got with him, except her faces she makes for pictures, change it up girl you are hot so stop it with that face.,,20159269_20847345,00.html#20847333

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