Thursday, October 21, 2010

Teen Mom

So whats the name of that fat chick on Teen Mom? Oh yea, Amber...
Anyways, so this girl is plain DUMB! She gets me irritated and annoyed, why? Simple she is ugly and full of it. Ok, maybe that was mean, but looking at the way she acts its very frustrating, yea you may be thinking she is just like anyone else "poor girl" her life is being put on TV, well you know what Suck it! You are getting paid to be put on the show so now shut up and get used to the critizing. What i dont understand is people are always complaining its not fair because people judge them, its like so you want the fame and big amounts of money but not the critisizing? Bull... Anyways, not only couldnt she pass her GED, she is very abusive person, calls her ex bf a fatass worthlesss (just because you lost a few pounds doesnt give you the right to be calling someone that, you are still a fatty yourself), but she dates someone who says "I just got out of jail" like seriously? Talk about low self esteem! Seriously, this girl is full of drama and you can tell she cant take care of her baby, just look at every episode and her baby is always crying and she is ignoring her baby, i am 100% sure if cameras werent there i can guarantee you she would beat her baby, that i can guarantee you, poor baby! Anyways here are some pictures of what you will see everytime you see Teen Mom with Amber:

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