Friday, September 17, 2010

Kate Gosselin

So, i am pretty sure everyone knows who Kate Gosselin is right? If not, let me cut it short for you this lady and her husband have twins then they want another last kid but they end up with sixtuplets they get a reality show for that on TLC, they end up splitting up and it gets rough. That is my friends who Kate Gosslin is. Anyways, i dont know about you guys but this girl is all over traveling with securities, big mansion, etc. My question is how the heck is she getting all this money?! I know she does her show and she was in Dancing with the stars and a book she published but even then, money runs out girl. All i am saying is hopefully she is being smart and saving some for her kids education (they are the reason she is someone). Be smart girl, because you spending money like there is no tomorrow and honestly i dont think people will want to keep watching your show forever. I love the show but its something that is getting old. On the other not she is looking great!

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