Friday, September 17, 2010

Leggings, Leggings, Leggings!!!

Ok so lets admit it, we love leggings! Leggings are AWESOME!!! I mean they are comfortable and simply AWESOME! But here is the key you need to learn how to wear them. Here is my issue with them when people use them as regular pants. I mean lets say i saw someone somewhere ... and that person was wearing leggings with heels and a regular top and suit shirt... Really?! I mean put it this way, in case you didnt know THEY ARE SEE THROUGH!!! Like seriously nobody really wants to see your underwear or camel toe...  its nasty, mainly at work. So believe me, they are sooo cute if you know how to wear it. Here is a NO NO...
I mean she looks cute, but honestly, nobody wants to see your camel toe! If the shirt would have been a little bit longer i would approve! Here are some better ways...

Or this:
Leggings are awesome, you must agree with me, but just  remember we can see your undies, and honestly we don't really wish to.

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