Friday, September 17, 2010

"Just because you fit in a bikini doesnt necessary always mean you should wear one"

So i heard this on Facebook and i laughed and tought that is soooo true! I mean i have seen so many girls wearing bikini's who are obviously big and i look and think oh wow. I mean i dont want to be mean but trust me it doesnt look good! Being big isn't a bad thing dont get me wrong, you can look good, but you have to learn how to wear one! Here are some tips:
1. Make sure the bikini you are wearing is flattering
2. Bring a cover up to cover some of your insecure areas
3. Look around, everyone has flaws so dont overstress yourself
4. Notice that everyone is minding their own business, (unless you show up like up there)
5. Enjoy a froze cocktail!

My tip is confidence and this is what i always say "If you don't believe in yourself, who will?" 

 Its always better to look classy rather then trashy

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