Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kim Kardashian

So where do i start with her, lets just say I love this girl. I mean it's a kind of love and hate kind of thing. The thing about this girl is that she is a VERY smart girl. As a Marketing major I know most of the stuff about Marketing. Lets start of with her history Kim Kardashian was daughter of the famous lawyer that did the whole O.J Simpson trial. But still nobody really knew her, she then on went to be a personal stylist for people like Paris Hilton and Brandy... people starting noticing her when she started hanging around with Paris Hilton, but still she was no one. She then met RJ and of course everyone knows about the sex video, people starting noticing her and she used her fame to be someone. She got her own reality show, and she was pretty much no one in the industry but she managed to get up. Who the f*ck knows what she does? I'm pretty sure when at the MTV music awards she was presenting Justin Bieber the hardest thing for the MTV music awards wasn't getting the show together but giving Kim Kardashian a name, like WTF should we call her? And they concluded with "Fashion Icon." Lets see how she markets herself, Justin Bieber makes it  big what does she do? but makes a photo-shoot with him in Cabo like seriously? Why is this 15 year old in a magazine with a older women?! Publicity...
 Then, Lindsay Lohan gets out of jail and all media is all buzzing of that and what does she do? Of course hangs around with Lindsay! Lets go shopping Lindsay! Lolz anyways, that is why i have a love and hate relationship with Kim, i love her style OMG we cant deny her stylist sure knows how to dress her! I always go to her website for fashion tips... (guilty). But sometimes i'm not going to lie she gets annoying. But overall i think i love the girl!

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